GAMeC for Schools
Through the work of the Education Department, GAMeC aims to become a place of lifelong learning.
Many activities are available, and different solutions stimulate creativity and encourage the desire for knowledge.
In addition to the working methods and topics covered, which are designed to give rise to reflections and insights that relate to the curricular path, the museum involves educators trained not only on the arts front, but also on the relational and pedagogical ones.
Museum Educators
Valeria Angelini, Manuela Bandini, Oscar Biffi, Cristiana Capelli, Rita Ceresoli, Chiara Del Monte, Lucia Dondossola, Cinzia Franceschini, Francesca Frosio, Elena Guaitani, Chiara Jia Ying Huang, Clara Luiselli, Daniela Mancia, Nadia Mangili, Camilla Marinoni, Giada Massaro, Luisa Graziella Mastrogiacomo, Camilla Rancati, Alessandra Rizzi, Irina Marieni Saredo, Sabrina Tomasoni, Elena Zilio.
The project “Musei per un anno” (“Museums for a Year”), coordinated by the Department of Culture of the City of Bergamo, relies on the collaboration of the City’s Civic Museums and those governed by Foundations or Associations with municipal participation.
Participating in the initiative are:
– GAMeC – Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
– Accademia Carrara
– Civico Museo Archeologico di Bergamo
– Museo delle Storie di Bergamo
– Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali “Enrico Caffi”
– Orto Botanico di Bergamo “Lorenzo Rota”
The project is aimed at schools of all levels, both state and paritarian, located in the City of Bergamo and the province of Bergamo.
To consult the catalogue of the 6th Edition CLICK HERE
Education Department
Rachele Bellini, Coordinator
Tel. 035270272 / int. 435
The “Pathways for Transversal Skills and Orientation” (formerly Alternanza scuola-lavoro), from time to time tailor-made by tutors and teachers according to the specific preparation and interests of the different courses of study, are intended for entire class groups, involved in the development of projects that take shape from concrete cases and real museum needs. The intent is to involve girls and boys in a practical ideation and implementation activity that has a specific goal, engaging them in the use of their own knowledge and skills and stimulating them to get involved in a real personal and professional challenge, which succeeds at the same time in making them aware of the importance of respecting and enhancement of cultural heritage, the museum institution and being active participants in the life of the City.
In recent years, work has been done with Secondary School students on the creation of 3D reproductions of works in the collections that have become valuable aids to the visit for blind people; ad hoc training has been structured to enable children to accompany groups of friends, bringing closer to the museum segments of the public that are difficult to involve with traditional visiting initiatives. Some students have tried their hand at translating texts presenting the museum’s activities or its collections; other youngsters, on the other hand, have measured themselves against the need to design functional spaces to welcome mothers with children or to make clothes inspired by the works on display, to be used during specific tours and activities with children and adults.
Schools involved: Liceo Scientifico “F. Lussana” of Bergamo, Scuola d’Arte Applicata “A. Fantoni” of Bergamo, ABF of Bergamo – fashion sector, Liceo Artistico “U. Boccioni” of Milan, AFP “Patronato S. Vincenzo” of Bergamo, Liceo Linguistico “G. Falcone” of Bergamo, ITCTS “Vittorio Emanuele II” of Bergamo.
We cherish the work of those who represent the soul of the school: teachers and educators, from kindergartens to secondary schools.
Our point of honor is the investment in training and support in approaching, understanding and deepening the visual arts.
In this area our offerings are varied and highly differentiated. We offer courses to teachers that provide specific preparation on crucial topics in contemporary art; at major exhibitions we hold precognitive visits to explore the works and our proposals.
At the request of individual schools, groups of teachers or school plexuses we are available to create tailor-made operational workshops related to specific themes, with a view to “training the trainers” and making teachers the main mediators of the dialogue between children, young people and the museum.
We have also activated the GAMeC PASS: an accreditation procedure for teachers of schools of all levels that allows, upon presentation of an identity document, unlimited free access to the exhibitions set up in GAMeC.
As a reminder, we can issue, upon request, a certificate of attendance valid for training purposes to teachers accompanying classes to exhibitions or participating in our initiatives.
For information on these proposals and the GAMeC PASS. Contact us by writing to, or by calling 035 270272.
A membership form can be downloaded at this link