The exhibitions will remain open during the following hours in August:
Venue: GAMeC
Luke Willis Thompson – Hysterical Strength (up to 1.9.19)
Libera. Tra Warhol, Vedova e Christo – The Impermanent Collection #2 (up to 6.1.20)
Every day from 10 am to 6 pm
Closed on Tuesday
Last entrance: 5 pm
GAMeC venue will be open on 08/15
Admission: € 5; reduced € 3
Single Ticket (GAMeC + Accademia Carrara): € 12 / € 10 – until 1.9.19
Venue: Palazzo della Ragione (Piazza Vecchia)
Jenny Holzer – Tutta la verità (The Whole Truth) – (up to 1.9.19)
Every day from 11 am to 6 pm
Closed on Tuesday
Free admission
The venue will be closed on 15/08, while it will be open until 23:00 on 26/08 on the occasion of the Sant’Alessandro celebrations