From 7 October to 13 November 2016 GAMeC – Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Bergamo is pleased to present G24/0vßß by Jol Thomson, the winning project of the fourth MERU ART*SCIENCE AWARD, promoted in collaboration with the Fondazione MERU/Medolago-Ruggeri for biomedical research and the Associazione BergamoScienza to reward and support the work of an artist and aimed at underscoring the bond between art and science.
The experimental audiovisual work G24/0vßß is the result of a close collaboration between the artist and the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Abruzzo, one of the most important natural sites worldwide, where the CUORE experiment is ongoing with the purpose of establishing – by researching a theoretical process called “double beta decay without neutrino emissions” (0vßß) – if the neutrino and its antiparticle coincide, giving key information on the value of the neutrino mass itself, which is still unknown.
By developing a new narrative technique inspired by the concept of diffraction, the video creates a dialogue between art and science in order to clarify the creative processes underlying both disciplines and the foundations of shared research investigating unknown territories, engaging the intangible, the non-human and the non-optical.
G24/0vßß shows some sensitivity to the world – both conceptual and physical – opening up new forms and ways of being, knowing and acting, to new ways of thinking and involving, through a series of aphorisms about the topics examined in it, including post-humanism, the history of the philosophy of science, and new observation methods suggested by neutrino physics and the physics of dark matter.
The project is part of the programming of the 14th BergamoScienza, one of the most important international science festivals, scheduled this year from 1 to 16 October.
The Awards Ceremony will take place on 7 October 2016, at 8:30 p.m., at the University of Bergamo – Aula Magna di Sant’Agostino.
The work will enter GAMeC’s Permanent Collection and the archives of the Fondazione MERU and the Associazione BergamoScienza.
Jol Thomson’s project has been chosen by a jury composed of:
Alessandro Medolago, President of Fondazione MERU
Anna Daneri, Fondazione MERU
Alessandro Bettonagli, Associazione BergamoScienza
Giacinto Di Pietrantonio, Director of GAMeC
Stefano Raimondi, Curator of GAMeC
because of its ability to investigates the imperceptible, intangible and entangled worlds announced and made explicit through technologies and practices in neutrino physics.
Friday, 7 October 2016, 8:30 p.m.
Awards Ceremony
University of Bergamo – Aula Magna di Sant’Agostino
Opening Hours
Monday–Sunday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. / Thursday: 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. / closed Tuesday
The ticket office closes an hour before the exhibitions.
Admission (for all current exhibitions)
Full price: €6 / Reduced admission: € 4 / Schools: free
Family ticket 1+1: € 7.50 / Family ticket 2+1: € 12 / Family ticket 2+2: € 15
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